About Euthopia

Euthopia means “Eu” = good; and topia =environment. Euthopia wants to be a good and warm place, a good environment, a place where people meet and care about each other.Euthopia is a training center for family therapy. We also provide systemic treatments for children and their families.

Euthopia offers various courses and workshops such as:

·  2 jarige opleiding tot systeemtherapeut

·  1 jarige opleiding tot systeemtherapeutisch werker STW

·  basis en verdiepings cursus psychomotorische gezinstherapie (www.gezinspmt.nl)

·  diverse workshops met eigen en gastdocenten met specifieke systeemgerichte specialisme

All courses are at our own locations in Breda in the Netherlands and can also be given in-company.

The workshop psychomotoric family therapy (in-company) can also be given in English

More information; www.euthopia.nl or sending a e-mail to info@euthopia.nl